Creepy children, dead things, and tart-eating monsters.
Speaking about rape and a SPEAK Giveaway

FOREVER, the last book in Maggie Stiefvater's SHIVER trilogy! Pre-Order signed copies!

Maggie's favorite indie bookstore, as usual, will have signed copies of FOREVER!
Heads Up
Zombies vs Unicorns Smackdown!
The editors of the new collection Zombie vs. Unicorns Holly Black(The Spiderwick Chronicles) and Justine Larbalestier (Liar) (pro-unicorn and zombie, respectively), gathered strong arguments for both sides in the form of short stories by an eclectic group of YA novelists. At this event the editors are joined by contributorsMaureen Johnson (13 Little Blue Envelopes), Libba Bray(Going Bovine), Scott Westerfeld (Leviathan), Naomi Novik(Temeraire series), and Alaya Dawn Johnson (Racing the Dark), who will argue for their side. What side are you on? Team Zombie or Team Unicorn? Ages 10 and up.
In Zombies vs. Unicorns, half of the contributors portray the strengths for good and evil of unicorns, and half show the good and evil side of zombies, with the two editors adding their own hilarious commentary throughout the anthology. The original zombie/unicorn debate between Black and Larbalestier started on their blogs in 2007 as a feud about which creature made for better fiction: The original feud, as well as downloadable assets and a voting area, can be found at
"I am extremely pleased to be working with Simon & Schuster to ensure the clear and final victory of the majestic unicorn over the zombie. For too long, the zombie has dominated the public consciousness, but the reign of the unicorn is at hand!"
-Team Unicorn editor Holly Black
"I think that posterity will look upon this as the moment when the mythology of rainbow-farting unicorns was finally laid to rest, and zombies took their rightful place at the top of the food chain,"
-Team Zombie editor Justine Larbalestier
Unicorns are sort of awesome, and I love Holly Black's WHITE CAT, but I am
Tangled Fiction Tuesdays!
Speak Loudly
Reminder: Tangled Fiction!

Epic Contest of Awesome
5-First Page critiques
2-First Chapter critiques
Special Drawing Challenge
It's simple: SPREAD THE WORD about this contest! If you do, I will include you in a special drawing for a three month mentorship with me.
What the mentorship will entail:
--A three month partnership where I will help you in any manner I can toward stronger writing, publication, increasing your online platform and helping you with agenting questions/search
--I will help you build or improve your query (if needed)
--A full read of your manuscript, offering advice on improvements and helping to brainstorm solutions if desired.
--An in depth look at your web presence and suggestions to hone your blog, increase followings and make suggestions with other social media to strengthen your online exposure
--Emails to answer any questions you have about writing, blogging, getting an agent, leaving an agent or how the agent relationship works
--General support!
So, do you need a mentor, someone to bounce ideas around with, brainstorm solutions, ask questions about writing or platforms? I may not be 'book published' yet, but I've been around and picked up a few things. :) I also have the good fortune of being agented by Jill Corcoran of The Herman Agency, and have written over 1200 critiques for other writers, helping them strengthen their writing. Maybe I can help you, too.
If you'd like to enter for the General Drawing, you MUST be a Follower (new or old) and leave a comment. That's it, no big hoops to jump through. Just stop in and say hey, and of course I always appreciate tweets, blog links and general word spreading, but that's up to you. :)
If you wish to also enter for the mentorship draw, you MUST be a follower (new or old) AND fill out this simple form I've attached.Normally I don't do the form thing, but for something like this, it will help me stay organized.You don't need to be at the query stage or anything, just a serious writer intent on improving. :) If you think I might be able to help you on your journey, please enter!
Contest closes Wednesday, September 29th, so get those entries in, and once again thank you for spending time here at The Bookshelf Muse!
Things I Try To Remember
- Every scene needs to move the plot forward, needs to accomplish something
- Every
scenepage needs tension - Don't be passive! Make things happen to your main character, not through a third party
- Ask yourself if this could be dramatized
- Be lenient with adverbs (she admonished, gravely)
- "Substitute the word 'damn' every time you are inclined to write 'very'; your editor will delete it and your writing will be as it should." - Mark Twain
- When writing an action scene, don't slow it down with descriptions
Tangled Fiction Tuesdays!

Tangled Fiction Tuesdays!
Brainstorming; How Do You Do it?
Tangled Fiction Is Here!!!!!

Tangled Fiction Is Coming!!!!!
The blog is also mirrored on Blogger, for those of you who don't like Live Journal (I hate it).
A little bit about TF:
We came together with a four-fold mission:
- to become better writers
- to have a good time while we practice our craft
- to give away free fiction
- to make that fiction fun for others
That’s the structure, but there are a few more things we’d like you to know up front.
Our Recipe for Getting Tangled:
- No planning! We aren’t collaborating before the writing begins. We see the story as you do.
- Take Turns! We’ll all rotate through the four pieces of story: firsts, seconds, thirds, fourths.
- The Sky’s the Limit! The gloves are off and this is meant to be a challenge. Anything and everything goes!
Valerie, Natalie, Lacey, & Anne